
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

The patsies of Parkdale? Bar owners say they shoulder blame for entire neighbourhood

March 31st, 2011 · 5 Comments

Skadarlija owner Sam Sri says he feels like the fall-guy for the neighbourhood. Photo Rebecca Payne/Gleaner News

By Rebecca Payne


The closure of Captain Jack’s and denial of a rooming house application for the Parkdale “problem spot” does not mean that some area business owners are satisfied.


Tags: Liberty · News · People

Graphologist Annette Poizner holds talk at OISE; Gleaner reporter a believer

March 7th, 2011 · 3 Comments

By Rebecca Payne
Poizner had me send some writing samples before our meeting. Rebecca Payne/Gleaner News.

My initial skepticism about graphology, what seemed to me like a quaint Holmsian practice about as accountable as phrenology, quickly eroded after I sat down across from Annette Poizner. She started telling me things about myself that I’d never admit to anyone. Then she told me what section of the newspaper I read first.


Tags: Arts · General

Ward 18 defeated cry foul

December 15th, 2010 · Comments Off on Ward 18 defeated cry foul

By Rebecca Payne

Multiple campaign managers of Ward 18 (Davenport) candidates claim questionable tactics were used in the race, and are pointing their fingers at newly elected Councillor Ana Bailao’s campaign.

Bailao edged out Adam Giambrone’s former executive assistant Kevin Beaulieu by 1,366 votes.


Tags: News · General

A good fight deserves a plaque

March 12th, 2010 · Comments Off on A good fight deserves a plaque


By Rebecca Payne

This June, the Annex Residents’ Association and the Heritage Toronto will dedicate two plaques to commemorate the grassroots community action that helped halt the construction of the planned Spadina Expressway. One is proposed for the northeast corner of Spadina Road and Bloor Street West, and the other for the Kendall Street subway entrance.


Tags: General