
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

Queen and Spadina construction chaos [PHOTOS]

July 17th, 2012 · 1 Comment

Though construction crews hit Toronto streets as soon as the snow melts, it’s still a sight to behold when a major intersection gets ripped up beyond recognition.

The TTC has shut down Queen Street West and Spadina Avenue for major repairs, closing off the crossroads from July 9 to July 23.


Tags: Liberty · News

Silver Snail comic shop looks for new home in the Annex

May 16th, 2011 · 4 Comments

New owner George Zotti describes the Silver Snail as a destination store at its current location on Queen. He is looking into moving the store to the Annex. Photo credit: Adam Carter/Gleaner News.

By Adam Carter


Tags: News · People

Time to ask your west-downtown Toronto federal candidates some questions

April 4th, 2011 · 4 Comments

Gleaner Community Press is interviewing Federal candidates for Trinity-Spadina and  Parkdale-High Park and we are seeking questions from you (besides “why are we having another election?”).


After we have received all the questions we will then make a final selection based on diversity, relevance to the local community, and “goodness” (objectively and subjectively decided by our editorial staff), dutifully record the answers, and publish them for all to read.



Tags: Liberty · News · People · General