
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

CHATTER: Treasuring the Gleaner at the Palmerston Library (Jan. 2022)

February 4th, 2022 · Comments Off on CHATTER: Treasuring the Gleaner at the Palmerston Library (Jan. 2022)


Anyone interested in an in-depth history of the Annex will find a rich source in 24 bound volumes of the Annex Gleaner available at the Palmerston Library. The series, beginning with the very first issue from May 1995, is available for reference just behind the front desk in the “local history” section, which is one of thirty such sections at libraries across the city.


Tags: Annex · News

NEWS: A way to honour the past (October 2018)

October 16th, 2018 · Comments Off on NEWS: A way to honour the past (October 2018)

Exploring the roots of Korea Town

Tour-goers stop at Hodo Kwaja (656 Bloor St.?W.) for a taste of walnut cake. TEMI DADA/GLEANER NEWS

By Annemarie Brissenden

A heritage tour of Toronto’s Korea Town starts — as it should — at the Bloor Street United Church of Canada, once home to the Alpha Korean United Church.


Tags: Annex · News

Welcome to Happyview: Neigbourhood dad hosts one-man show

September 14th, 2010 · Comments Off on Welcome to Happyview: Neigbourhood dad hosts one-man show

Michael McMurtry's one-man show, Happyview P.S., plays this month at the Palmerston Library, beginning Sept. 20. Courtesy Michael Watier.

By Bethan Evans

Have you ever thought to yourself, Children’s theatre is entertaining for my kids, but I am bored to tears after the curtain opens? Michael McMurtry did and decided to do something about it.


Tags: Arts · People · General