Premier Doug Ford’s latest gimmick is his pending “Get it Done Act.” Ford is banking on Ontario voters having short memories, being easily duped, and not minding at all being bribed with their own money. This latest omnibus legislation is a dog’s breakfast of silly, shiny objects designed to distract from a string of failures and flip flops that appear to have been authored by the premier himself.
EDITORIAL: The “Get it Done Act” should get Ford out (Feb. 2024)
April 6th, 2024 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL: The “Get it Done Act” should get Ford out (Feb. 2024)
Tags: General
EDITORIAL: Ford’s flawed passport (Aug. 2021)
September 8th, 2021 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL: Ford’s flawed passport (Aug. 2021)
Doug Ford emerged this week after weeks of summer slumber to announce a “vaccine certificate system” which is both late and lame. He then prorogued the legislature, lest he be answerable to it, and headed back into seclusion.
Tags: Annex · Editorial · Opinion
Ben Griffin: a candidate you can trust
September 20th, 2011 · Comments Off on Ben Griffin: a candidate you can trust
By Emina Gamulin
More than a few eyebrows must have been raised in August when Trinity-Spadina residents received a surprise copy of the Women’s Post food and wine issue in their mailboxes.
Tags: General
Where do they stand? Trinity-Spadina candidates answer your questions
September 14th, 2011 · 1 Comment
Compiled by Emina Gamulin, Mike Radoslav, and Lindsay Tsuji
Click on the links below for more information about Trinity-Spadina and our Q & A with the MPP candidates in the upcoming provincial election on Oct 6.
Thomson eyes Trinity-Spadina
July 1st, 2011 · Comments Off on Thomson eyes Trinity-Spadina
By Lindsay Tsuji
Let’s make liquor laws an election issue
June 9th, 2011 · 2 Comments
By Emina Gamulin
A recent immigrant just got a job in Toronto and wants to celebrate. She walks into a convenience store and looks for some beer. Unable to find any, she asks the clerk behind the counter where she might find some. “We don’t sell beer here.”
Tags: Editorial