
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

Weekly music meet-ups: bringing pros and newcomers together

August 5th, 2011 · 5 Comments

By Karen Bliss

On BS Fridays, local musicians and artists shoot the breeze. Perry King/Gleaner News

A meeting at a local Starbucks with “Steal My Sunshine” hit maker Marc Costanzo from the pop group Len gave Barbara Sedun, EMI Music Publishing Canada’s senior vice-president, the idea to host a free weekly networking event in the Liberty area.


Tags: Liberty · Arts · General

Choosen ones: local acts worth checking out at NXNE

June 15th, 2010 · Comments Off on Choosen ones: local acts worth checking out at NXNE

Purrr play the Bread & Circus June 19. Courtesy Christopher Wadsworth.

By Karen Bliss

More than 2,500 artists applied for a spot at the 2010 North By Northeast music festival, which takes place all over the city from June 14 to 20, so the 650 bands and solo acts that were accepted have obviously been given the thumbs up from the organizers.


Tags: Arts · General