
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

NEWS: Candidates face-off (Oct. 2019)

October 17th, 2019 · Comments Off on NEWS: Candidates face-off (Oct. 2019)

Conservative candidate absent for climate-dominated debate

Candidates who were present expressed consensus on the need to address climate change but disagreed how it should be tackled. Ahmed Hagar/Gleaner News

By Ahmed Hagar


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FOCUS: Federal election candidates queried (Oct. 2019)

October 17th, 2019 · 2 Comments

Gleaner asks hopefuls 5 key questions

Questions compiled by the Gleaner editorial board. Answers are edited for length and clarity. Election date is October 21, 2019. For more information on voting, please visit 


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FORUM: Vajda makes the NDP case (Oct. 2019)

October 17th, 2019 · 3 Comments

Community lawyer pushes planks of housing, climate crisis

By Melissa Jean-Baptiste Vajda

University-Rosedale is a vibrant, diverse community. Over the past few years, I’ve had the pleasure of advocating for University-Rosedale residents through my work as a community lawyer at Kensington-Bellwoods Legal Community Services. Now, I want to stand up for Uni-versity-Rosedale in Ottawa, as your next Member of Parliament. 


Tags: Annex · Opinion

FOCUS ON THE ELECTION: Grilling potential MPPs (Election Special 2018)

May 29th, 2018 · Comments Off on FOCUS ON THE ELECTION: Grilling potential MPPs (Election Special 2018)

University-Rosedale candidates answer your questions

Over the last five months we’ve published forum pieces by five people running to be your Member of Provincial Parliament in the newly formed riding of University-Rosedale: Jessica Bell (New Democratic Party), Daryl Christoff (New People’s Choice Party of Ontario), Jo-Ann Davis (Ontario Liberal Party), Tim Grant (Green Party of Ontario), and Gillian Smith (Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario).


Tags: Annex · News

FORUM: What kind of province do we want? (March 2018)

March 22nd, 2018 · Comments Off on FORUM: What kind of province do we want? (March 2018)

A case for inclusivity and fairness

By Jessica Bell

I’ve been a community organizer and an executive director of non-profits for nearly 20 years, winning real change for human rights and the environment.


Tags: Annex · Opinion