
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

EDITORIAL: Freedom Ford-style (Feb. 2023)

March 27th, 2023 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL: Freedom Ford-style (Feb. 2023)

Doug Ford abandoned us. That’s what a 200-page decision reviewing Ottawa’s invocation of the Emergencies Act says. Written by Commissioner Justice Paul Rouleau and published by the Public Order Emergency Commission, this report points the finger for last year’s Freedom Convoy riots squarely at the premier, whose failure to act, it says, led to some members of the public feeling emboldened.


Tags: Annex · Editorial · Opinion

EDITORIAL: We care Mr. Tory (Jan. 2023)

January 24th, 2023 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL: We care Mr. Tory (Jan. 2023)

In 2018, and during our last municipal election, Doug Ford’s Conservatives slashed the size of city council in half to 26. This created outsized wards that are too big to manage and a population that feels disconnected from elected representatives. Burned out councillors are also a symptom, and we’ve seen a few—Joe Cressy and Mike Layton, for example, just walked away. Voter turnout is down to 30 per cent of eligible voters casting ballots, and the province under Doug Ford continues to further erode the power and relevance of local government in Ontario.


Tags: Annex · Editorial · Opinion

FORUM: His villainy was his lack of transparency (Jan. 2023)

January 24th, 2023 · Comments Off on FORUM: His villainy was his lack of transparency (Jan. 2023)

Our just “trust me” mayor has betrayed democracy

By Sue Dexter

“What I can’t support is change being rammed down our throats without a single second of public consultation.” John Tory after the province slashes council in half, 2018. 

“Trust me.” John Tory on receiving unprecedented minority rule powers, after no public consultation, 2022.


Tags: Annex · Opinion

FORUM (JUNE 2017): Address affordable housing

June 30th, 2017 · Comments Off on FORUM (JUNE 2017): Address affordable housing

All levels of government must take responsibility

By Joe Cressy

Some people measure the progress of a city by the speed of its transit systems or the quality of its public parks, by the number of schools in a neighbourhood, or by the number of potholes filled each year.


Tags: Annex · Columns · Opinion

Construction halted at Central Tech

February 2nd, 2016 · 1 Comment

Student athletes launch online petition

By Marielle Torrefranca

In the latest of a saga of hurdles, construction of Central Technical School’s $7-million sports facility has been stopped until further notice, said Razor Management Inc. (RMI).


Tags: Annex · News · General

Sprott House opens new home for LGBTQ2S youth

February 2nd, 2016 · Comments Off on Sprott House opens new home for LGBTQ2S youth

Specialized facility meets urgent need

YMCA Sprott House provides transitional housing for 25 LGBTQ2S youth. CORRINA KING/GLEANER?NEWS

YMCA Sprott House provides transitional housing for 25 LGBTQ2S youth.

By Summer Reid

Homeless lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and two-spirited (LGBTQ2S) youth finally have a place to sleep without intimidation and harassment.


Tags: Annex · News · General