
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

FOCUS: Wiener’s Home Hardware 100th anniversary a day to remember (July 2022)

July 18th, 2022 · Comments Off on FOCUS: Wiener’s Home Hardware 100th anniversary a day to remember (July 2022)

On June 18, Wiener’s Home Hardware celebrated their 100th anniversary with a block party hosted by the Bloor Annex Business Improvement Area, Annex Residents’ Association, and the Harbord Village Residents’ Association. The community enjoyed live music, food, and got a chance to learn about the history of the family-run store (pictured top-right). The block party gathered four generations of the Wiener family to celebrate (pictured above). Marty Wiener also accepted a plaque from Mayor John Tory, presented by Councillor Mike Layton, on behalf of the Wiener family commemorating the store’s contribution to the community over the past 100 years (pictured right). This celebration will surely be a day Annex residents will remember. —Fox Oliver/Gleaner News.


Tags: Annex · News · Life

NEWS: Wiener’s Home Hardware celebrates a century of service (Provincial Election 2022)

May 24th, 2022 · Comments Off on NEWS: Wiener’s Home Hardware celebrates a century of service (Provincial Election 2022)

The venerable institution remains in the Wiener family

Marty Wiener accepts his plaque celebrating 75 years in the business in 1997, surrounded by the Wiener family. COURTESY WIENER’S HOME HARDWARE


By Fox Oliver


Tags: Annex · News