
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

NEWS (MARCH 2017): City proposes steep patio fee hike

March 22nd, 2017 · Comments Off on NEWS (MARCH 2017): City proposes steep patio fee hike

Business owners decry lack of consultation

PHOTO BY MATT JAMES/GLEANER NEWS FILE PHOTO: Business owners said they weren’t consulted on the City of Toronto’s proposal to hike to patio fees. Many businesses on Bloor Street West — such as Future Bakery (above) — open a patio in the warmer months, but they are already expensive to operate and maintain.


Tags: Annex · News

NEWS: What’s next for College Street?

October 28th, 2016 · Comments Off on NEWS: What’s next for College Street?

Visioning a future for Little Italy

PICTURE COURTESY DTAH: Astra Burka, who organized the discussion on the future of College Street from Bathurst to Shaw streets, lauded the Bloor Annex BIA (whose chair publishes this newspaper) for its plan to transform “a series of left-over parcels of land into a sequence of vibrant, dynamic, public green spaces”.

PICTURE COURTESY DTAH: Astra Burka, who organized the discussion on the future of College Street from Bathurst to Shaw streets, lauded the Bloor Annex BIA (whose chair publishes this newspaper) for its plan to transform “a series of left-over parcels of land into a sequence of vibrant, dynamic, public green spaces”.


Tags: Annex · News

Tax, transport, and pirates: Trinity-Spadina candidates are put in the hot seat

April 15th, 2011 · 4 Comments

Compiled by Emina Gamulin, Perry King, and Beth Macdonell

The Riding

Trinity-Spadina neighbourhoods include Chinatown, Little Italy, Little Portugal, Kensington Market, the Annex, Seaton Village, Harbord Village, University of Toronto,  Koreatown, Queen West, King West, the West Waterfront and the Toronto Islands. The riding is one of the most rapidly changing areas in the city due to the increase in condo developments. More than 41 per cent of residents listed a language other than English or French as their mother tongue.


Tags: Liberty · News · People · General

Time to ask your west-downtown Toronto federal candidates some questions

April 4th, 2011 · 4 Comments

Gleaner Community Press is interviewing Federal candidates for Trinity-Spadina and  Parkdale-High Park and we are seeking questions from you (besides “why are we having another election?”).


After we have received all the questions we will then make a final selection based on diversity, relevance to the local community, and “goodness” (objectively and subjectively decided by our editorial staff), dutifully record the answers, and publish them for all to read.



Tags: Liberty · News · People · General