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CHATTER (JULY 2017): Larry Sdao receives Community Builder Award

August 1st, 2017 · Comments Off on CHATTER (JULY 2017): Larry Sdao receives Community Builder Award

The Harbord Village Residents’ Association (HVRA) has given Larry Sdao its Community Builder Award. Sdao owns 481 Bloor St. W., formerly home to the Brunswick House. HVRA chair Gus Sinclair said that Sdao worked with the community to deal with “an intractable problem that was the Brunswick House business [Sdao’s former tenant]”.


Tags: Annex · News

NEWS: Rexall replaces Brunswick House

April 7th, 2016 · Comments Off on NEWS: Rexall replaces Brunswick House

Pharmacy drugstore chain says it will respect building’s heritage

“This will be a relief to the neighbourhood”—Sue Dexter, HVRA

By Annemarie Brissenden

After one last weekend-long blowout, the doors of the Brunswick House closed for good, leaving the neighbourhood eagerly anticipating the site’s next, presumably quieter and more agreeable, incarnation.


Tags: Annex · News