
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

FORUM: A victory for affordable housing in Kensington (Apr. 2021)

May 12th, 2021 · Comments Off on FORUM: A victory for affordable housing in Kensington (Apr. 2021)

A model for protecting housing security

By Mike Layton

Homelessness in Toronto and our neighbours living in encampments have been top of mind for many of you throughout the pandemic. It continues to be clear that all levels of government need to do more to fund and create housing, and it needs to be done faster. Our ultimate goal must be to ensure we have housing for everyone and to provide support for those who need it so they can stay healthy.


Tags: Annex · Opinion

HISTORY (OCTOBER 2016): Yiddish sign evokes rich history

October 28th, 2016 · Comments Off on HISTORY (OCTOBER 2016): Yiddish sign evokes rich history

College Street organization hosts Mandel’s Dreamery installation

PICTURE COURTESY OF ONTARIO JEWISH ARCHIVES: For Fentster curator Evelyn Tauben, pictures of families standing in front of their storefronts evoke the sense of accomplishment early immigrants felt for building not just a business, but a new life.

PICTURE COURTESY OF ONTARIO JEWISH ARCHIVES: For Fentster curator Evelyn Tauben, pictures of families standing in front of their storefronts evoke the sense of accomplishment early immigrants felt for building not just a business, but a new life.

By Clarrie Feinstein


Tags: Annex · History

NEWS: Kensington Market to become heritage district

May 13th, 2016 · 3 Comments

Supporters aim to protect neighbourhood’s unique character

PHOTO BY GEREMY BORDONARO: A Mona Lisa mural surveys the scene on Kensington Avenue. The market is undergoing a study to determine whether it should become a Heritage Conservation District.

PHOTO BY GEREMY BORDONARO: A Mona Lisa mural surveys the scene on Kensington Avenue. The market is undergoing a study to determine whether it should become a Heritage Conservation District.

By Geremy Bordonaro

Even in a city known for its distinctive neighbourhoods, it remains unique.


Tags: Annex · News · History

DEVELOPINGS: Annual review reflects tension between community activism and OMB

March 9th, 2016 · Comments Off on DEVELOPINGS: Annual review reflects tension between community activism and OMB

Our third survey of development projects in our coverage area highlights projects that interest us, trends that appall us, and elements that enthrall us. We favour innovative projects that connect with a neighbourhood’s built form, reflect community consultation, and meet the objectives of the City of Toronto’s Official Plan. We take a dim view of developers that do an end run around the process and appeal directly to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), which demonstrates little respect for the city’s urban planning guidelines. And, we — once again — make an argument for razing the OMB. Please click on the image below to enlarge.


Tags: Annex · News · Columns