
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

SPORTS: Cross-border reinforcement bolsters Leafs for playoff push (Aug. 2021)

September 8th, 2021 · Comments Off on SPORTS: Cross-border reinforcement bolsters Leafs for playoff push (Aug. 2021)

Long-time hurler overcomes travel restrictions to rejoin team

Justin Cicatello makes his first appearance on the mound for the Leafs on August 29. R.S. KONJEK/GLEANER NEWS

By R.S. Konjek

Summer is almost over, but the Toronto Maple Leafs are hoping to stretch it out a while longer.


Tags: Annex · Sports

LIFE: Baseball Leafs prepare for a summer of action (Jun. 2021)

July 15th, 2021 · Comments Off on LIFE: Baseball Leafs prepare for a summer of action (Jun. 2021)

Christie Pits set to welcome fans back to the old ballgame

As Ontario reopens after the pandemic shutdowns of the past year, the Maple Leafs look forward to a summer of baseball at Christie Pits. R.S. KONJEK/GLEANER NEWS

By R.S. Konjek


Tags: Annex · Sports · Life

SPORTS (SEPTEMBER 2016): Late summer blues

September 15th, 2016 · Comments Off on SPORTS (SEPTEMBER 2016): Late summer blues

Leafs’ playoff run thrills the Pits

PHOTO BY R.S. KONJEK/GLEANER NEWS: Brett van Pelt of the Toronto Maple Leafs delivers a pitch on July 31 during the final game of the regular season.

PHOTO BY R.S. KONJEK/GLEANER NEWS: Pitcher Marek Deska of the Toronto Maple Leafs winds up during playoff action at Christie Pits last month.

By R.S. Konjek

Stepability. Grindertude.


Tags: Annex · Sports