
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

CHATTER: U of T re-build gets Heritage Toronto Award (Nov. 2019)

December 9th, 2019 · Comments Off on CHATTER: U of T re-build gets Heritage Toronto Award (Nov. 2019)

Recently renovated, the building at 1 Spadina Crescent received an award for its impressive transformation at the 2019 Heritage Toronto Awards last month.

On Oct. 28, Heritage Toronto announced the winners of its annual awards recognizing exceptional contributions to the conservation and celebration of heritage in Toronto.


Tags: Annex · News

DEVELOPINGS: Annual review reflects tension between community activism and OMB

March 9th, 2016 · Comments Off on DEVELOPINGS: Annual review reflects tension between community activism and OMB

Our third survey of development projects in our coverage area highlights projects that interest us, trends that appall us, and elements that enthrall us. We favour innovative projects that connect with a neighbourhood’s built form, reflect community consultation, and meet the objectives of the City of Toronto’s Official Plan. We take a dim view of developers that do an end run around the process and appeal directly to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), which demonstrates little respect for the city’s urban planning guidelines. And, we — once again — make an argument for razing the OMB. Please click on the image below to enlarge.


Tags: Annex · News · Columns