
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

ARTS: Bringing art to the people

April 7th, 2016 · Comments Off on ARTS: Bringing art to the people

Transforming neighbourhoods into open air galleries

Artist Jorge Molina poses on Walmer Road with some of his work. He is installing 416 canvases on utility poles throughout the city as part of his 416 Project. NEILAND?BRISSENDEN/GLEANER NEWS

Artist Jorge Molina poses on Walmer Road with some of his work. He is installing 416 canvases on utility poles throughout the city as part of his 416 Project.

By Annemarie Brissenden


Tags: Annex · Arts

City seeking street greening opportunities

February 2nd, 2016 · Comments Off on City seeking street greening opportunities

Harbord Village plan targets laneways, parkettes

In-ground pinchpoint planters, like the one on Robert Street shown above, act as a curb extension, provide an immovable barrier that discourages drivers from making illegal manoeuvres, and are not subject to the graffiti found on their above-ground counterparts.  COURTESY?SUSAN DEXTER

In-ground pinchpoint planters, like the one on Robert Street shown above, act as a curb extension, provide an immovable barrier that discourages drivers from making illegal manoeuvres, and are not subject to the graffiti found on their above-ground counterparts. 

By Marielle Torrefranca


Tags: Annex · General

Ossington laneway gets a mural makeover

August 19th, 2012 · 1 Comment

Despite the rain, roughly twenty artists came out to beautify the alley behind Ossington Avenue between Queen and Humbert streets. From Thursday Aug. 9 to Sunday Aug. 12, volunteers painted murals in the laneway, giving it a much-needed makeover.


Tags: Annex · Liberty · Arts

Façade facelift: Lee’s Palace iconic mural is back

November 19th, 2010 · Comments Off on Façade facelift: Lee’s Palace iconic mural is back

Al Runt stares down one of his monster creations. Beth Macdonell/Gleaner News

By Beth Macdonell

In 1987, Al Runt was working behind the bar at Lee’s Palace (529 Bloor St. W.). He was let go for drinking on the job, but the owner, “Mr. Lee,” noticed Runt was a talented painter.


Tags: Arts · People · General