
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

LIFE: Baseball Leafs prepare for a summer of action (Jun. 2021)

July 15th, 2021 · Comments Off on LIFE: Baseball Leafs prepare for a summer of action (Jun. 2021)

Christie Pits set to welcome fans back to the old ballgame

As Ontario reopens after the pandemic shutdowns of the past year, the Maple Leafs look forward to a summer of baseball at Christie Pits. R.S. KONJEK/GLEANER NEWS

By R.S. Konjek


Tags: Annex · Sports · Life

SPORTS: Fans cheer hair and history (Aug./Sept. 2018)

September 11th, 2018 · 1 Comment

Maple Leafs advance to semifinals after historic no-hitter

With his youthful energy, rookie Garrett Takamatsu became a fan favourite at Christie Pits this summer. R.S. KONJEK/GLEANER NEWS

By R.S. Konjek

It has been a memorable summer for Garrett Takamatsu.


Tags: Annex · Sports