
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

ON THE COVER: The Ballot Bunch (Election Special 2018)

May 29th, 2018 · Comments Off on ON THE COVER: The Ballot Bunch (Election Special 2018)

Candidates vying for your support on June 7 include (clockwise from top left): Gillian Smith, Jo-Ann Davis, Jessica Bell, Daryl Christoff, KathleenWynne, Doug Ford, Andrea Howarth, and Tim Grant. Ford,Wynne, Howarth and Mike Schreiner (centre) are party leaders. NEILAND BRISSENDEN/GLEANER NEWS, PHOTOS COURTESY ALL CANDIDATES




Tags: Annex · News

FOCUS ON THE ELECTION: Grilling potential MPPs (Election Special 2018)

May 29th, 2018 · Comments Off on FOCUS ON THE ELECTION: Grilling potential MPPs (Election Special 2018)

University-Rosedale candidates answer your questions

Over the last five months we’ve published forum pieces by five people running to be your Member of Provincial Parliament in the newly formed riding of University-Rosedale: Jessica Bell (New Democratic Party), Daryl Christoff (New People’s Choice Party of Ontario), Jo-Ann Davis (Ontario Liberal Party), Tim Grant (Green Party of Ontario), and Gillian Smith (Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario).


Tags: Annex · News

NEWS: ARA holds annual meeting (Election Special 2018)

May 29th, 2018 · Comments Off on NEWS: ARA holds annual meeting (Election Special 2018)

Peter Steen receives Community Builder Award

Annex Residents’ Association board member Christine Innes, vice-chair Albert Koehl, Peter Steen, and chair David Harrison (from left). Steen received the Community Builder award for building and maintaining an ice rink at Jean Sibelius Park over many years. COURTESY ALBERT KOEHL

By Ahmed-Zaki Hagar


Tags: Annex · News

CHATTER: Discover Daphne Cockwell Gallery dedicated to First Peoples art & culture (Election Special 2018)

May 29th, 2018 · Comments Off on CHATTER: Discover Daphne Cockwell Gallery dedicated to First Peoples art & culture (Election Special 2018)

The Royal Ontario of Museum (ROM) has been providing free access to the Daphne Cockwell Gallery dedicated to First Peoples art & culture since April 18. It’s all part of an initiative to educate Canadians on Indigenous culture and welcome more people to the museum.


Tags: Annex · News

CHATTER: Live from your laneway (Election Special 2018)

May 29th, 2018 · Comments Off on CHATTER: Live from your laneway (Election Special 2018)

Seaton Village resident Charles Spearin of Broken Social Scene performs at Open Tuning’s 2015 festival, which returns June 9. GLEANER FILE PHOTO/COURTESY NEIL MUSCOTT


Tags: Annex · News

EDITORIAL CARTOON: How Nice (Election Special 2018)

May 29th, 2018 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL CARTOON: How Nice (Election Special 2018)

More how nice!

EDITORIAL CARTOON: How Nice (May 2018)

EDITORIAL CARTOON: How Nice (Spring 2018)

EDITORIAL CARTOON: How Nice (Mar. 2018)

EDITORIAL CARTOON: How Nice (Dec. 2017)

EDITORIAL CARTOON How nice! (August 2017)

EDITORIAL CARTOON How nice! (July 2017)


Tags: Annex · Editorial

EDITORIAL: The market has no moral compass (Election Special 2018)

May 29th, 2018 · 4 Comments

What’s lost in the provincial debate over whether minimum wage should be $14 or $15 an hour is an accompanying discussion of what full-time employment at minimum wage actually pays for. It’s a glaring omission when you consider that many people spent the biggest portion of their money on a place to call home.


Tags: Annex · Editorial

FORUM: Bold new initiatives for Ontario (Election Special 2018)

May 29th, 2018 · Comments Off on FORUM: Bold new initiatives for Ontario (Election Special 2018)

Making the case for the provincial Liberals

By Jo-Ann Davis

Elections have consequences. On June 7, voters in Ontario will make a choice that will have a profound impact on the welfare of students, seniors, families in our community, the economy, and environment.


Tags: Annex · Opinion

GREENINGS: Choosing the lesser evil (Election Special 2018)

May 29th, 2018 · 3 Comments

Assessing the parties through an environmental lens

At the risk of sounding like a single-issue voter, it will be no surprise to anyone who has read any of my columns that the environment ranks high. There are lots of other issues, such as healthcare, debt, economic growth, but all that is moot as we stare mass extinction in the face. If you think I’m being hyperbolic, you aren’t paying attention. Before his death, Stephen Hawking gave humanity another two centuries before we’re toast. To me, the long-term survival of our species trumps any short-term issue we are facing at the moment, no matter how pressing it might seem.


Tags: Annex · Columns