
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

NEWS: Rexall replaces Brunswick House

April 7th, 2016 · Comments Off on NEWS: Rexall replaces Brunswick House

Pharmacy drugstore chain says it will respect building’s heritage

“This will be a relief to the neighbourhood”—Sue Dexter, HVRA

By Annemarie Brissenden

After one last weekend-long blowout, the doors of the Brunswick House closed for good, leaving the neighbourhood eagerly anticipating the site’s next, presumably quieter and more agreeable, incarnation.


Tags: Annex · News

NEWS: Huron Street Playground renewal

April 7th, 2016 · Comments Off on NEWS: Huron Street Playground renewal

City to break ground later this year

The City of Toronto’s Parks, Forestry and Recreation department is considering two layouts for the renewed Huron Street Playground. The first option (above) includes welcoming park entrances, a southest corner activated by destination play equipment, and the removal of the existing fence. In the second option (left), a perimeter path surrounding the play equipment will provide a circuit for racing or running. The existing fence will remain, complemented by the addition of new welcoming entrance options. Images courtesy of Forest and Field Landscape Architect and the City of Toronto.

The City of Toronto’s Parks, Forestry and Recreation department is considering two layouts for the renewed Huron Street Playground. The first option (above) includes welcoming park entrances, a southest corner activated by destination play equipment, and the removal of the existing fence. In the second option (below), a perimeter path surrounding the play equipment will provide a circuit for racing or running. The existing fence will remain, complemented by the addition of new welcoming entrance options. Images courtesy of Forest and Field Landscape Architect and the City of Toronto.


Tags: Annex · News

GREENINGS (April 2016): Provide help or stand aside

April 7th, 2016 · Comments Off on GREENINGS (April 2016): Provide help or stand aside

Relentless OMB stifles creative green projects

“I’ve come to the conclusion that the overriding factor in municipalities getting nice things is sheer willpower.”

By Terri Chu

Every time someone mentions a great municipal infrastructure project on the other side of the pond (usually in a really progressive nation like Germany or Sweden), I mutter some lame excuse as to the reason why Canadians can’t have equally nice things.


Tags: Annex · Life

DEVELOPINGS: Annual review reflects tension between community activism and OMB

March 9th, 2016 · Comments Off on DEVELOPINGS: Annual review reflects tension between community activism and OMB

Our third survey of development projects in our coverage area highlights projects that interest us, trends that appall us, and elements that enthrall us. We favour innovative projects that connect with a neighbourhood’s built form, reflect community consultation, and meet the objectives of the City of Toronto’s Official Plan. We take a dim view of developers that do an end run around the process and appeal directly to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), which demonstrates little respect for the city’s urban planning guidelines. And, we — once again — make an argument for razing the OMB. Please click on the image below to enlarge.


Tags: Annex · News · Columns

Residence casts long shadow

February 15th, 2015 · Comments Off on Residence casts long shadow

University still to deliver updated proposal for Spadina-Sussex development following neighbourhood outcry

The northwest corner of Sussex and Spadina avenues is the site of a pending development of a student residence. Brian Burchell – Gleaner News

By Annemarie Brissenden


Tags: Annex

The Globe and Mail’s great idea

March 16th, 2012 · Comments Off on The Globe and Mail’s great idea


The site of future development of the expansion for the Globe and Mail offices is now a Toyota car dealership. Perry King/Gleaner News

By Alexa Huffman

The Globe and Mail office plans were received with applause on Jan. 30 after a community meeting unveiled the new design.


Tags: Liberty · News

No stones thrown over Bloor-Bathurst condo talks

May 26th, 2011 · 3 Comments

By Perry King

Unlike many development disputes across the city, talks between developers and residents have been so healthy for a proposed Bloor-Bathurst condo that the project has already been scaled down considerably.


Tags: News

Mixed-use, mixed feelings: Proposed development largest since Loblaws

December 29th, 2010 · 3 Comments

328 Dupont Street is one of six properties referred to in an Official Plan amendment application. Perry King/Gleaner News

By Perry King

The Wynn Group is moving forward with its plans of developing a 29-storey hotel and condominium on a strip of Dupont.


Tags: Annex · News

U of T, locals butt heads over 42-storey proposal

June 10th, 2010 · Comments Off on U of T, locals butt heads over 42-storey proposal

By Tim Legault

A proposal to build a massive 42-storey academic residence at 245 and 253 College Street, between Spadina and University, was met with a general unease from local residents during a May 18 community meeting.


Tags: News · General