
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

Adam Vaughan: Casinos are bad for cities

July 13th, 2012 · 2 Comments

By Councillor Adam Vaughan (Ward 20, Trinity-Spadina)

Not convinced?  Then check out what’s happening in every corner of the continent. Google “No Casino” and see what comes up. Whether it’s Vancouver or Miami, Manhattan, Gettysburg or Pawtucket, city after city, town after town, everyone seems to be fighting a casino proposal.


Tags: Annex · Editorial

Tax, transport, and pirates: Trinity-Spadina candidates are put in the hot seat

April 15th, 2011 · 4 Comments

Compiled by Emina Gamulin, Perry King, and Beth Macdonell

The Riding

Trinity-Spadina neighbourhoods include Chinatown, Little Italy, Little Portugal, Kensington Market, the Annex, Seaton Village, Harbord Village, University of Toronto,  Koreatown, Queen West, King West, the West Waterfront and the Toronto Islands. The riding is one of the most rapidly changing areas in the city due to the increase in condo developments. More than 41 per cent of residents listed a language other than English or French as their mother tongue.


Tags: Liberty · News · People · General