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CHATTER: Groundbreaking at Sussex (Winter 2022)

March 14th, 2022 · Comments Off on CHATTER: Groundbreaking at Sussex (Winter 2022)

The University of Toronto officially broke ground at the site of a yet-to-be-named 23-storey student residence at Spadina and Sussex. Concessions to city planning and the HVRA allowed the development to proceed: preserving the heritage building at 698 Spadina, and creating the new Robert Street Park. U of T is pleased to be able to offer 509 additional future students the experience of on-campus living, which has been shown to improve their academic performance and mental health. The residence will use an innovative geoexchange system for heating, cooling and hot water, dramatically reducing emissions. (From left), Scott Mabury (VP, Operations), Mitchell Cohen (President & CEO, The Daniels Corporation), Meric Gertler (President, U of T), Brian Lawson (Chair of the Governing Council, U of T), Rose Patten (Chancellor, U of T), and Vishar Yaghoubian (Student Governor, Governing Council). NICOLE STOFFMAN/GLEANER NEWS



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