
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

NEIGHBOURHOOD PROFILE (MAY 2017): Crisis breeds unity

May 26th, 2017 · Comments Off on NEIGHBOURHOOD PROFILE (MAY 2017): Crisis breeds unity

Narayever synagogue’s private sponsorship builds community

PHOTO COURTESY NARAYEVER SYNAGOGUE: Narayever members Mona Kornberg and Ricki Sharpe greet the Syrian family at the airport.

By Clarrie Feinstein


Tags: Annex · Life

NEWS (APRIL 2017): Reclaiming the Anishinaabe past

April 10th, 2017 · Comments Off on NEWS (APRIL 2017): Reclaiming the Anishinaabe past

Street-naming project highlights a 15,000-year history

By Clarrie Feinstein


Tags: Annex · News

NEWS (FEBRUARY 2017): Building a stronger relationship

March 5th, 2017 · Comments Off on NEWS (FEBRUARY 2017): Building a stronger relationship

U of T receives final report recommending response to TRC

By Clarrie Feinstein

The Steering Committee for the University of Toronto Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada has answered a call to action. On Dec. 31, 2016, it released Wecheehetowin, a final report on how the university should respond to the dozens of educational reforms recommended by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.


Tags: Annex · News

FOCUS ON EDUCATION (DECEMBER 2016): Decolonizing our schools

December 20th, 2016 · Comments Off on FOCUS ON EDUCATION (DECEMBER 2016): Decolonizing our schools

Putting the Indigenous land acknowledgement into practice

By Clarrie Feinstein


Tags: Annex · News

FOCUS ON EDUCATION (NOVEMBER 2016): Building a respectful future

November 18th, 2016 · Comments Off on FOCUS ON EDUCATION (NOVEMBER 2016): Building a respectful future

TDSB schools adopt traditional territories acknowledgement

Our local acknowledgement: “I would like to acknowledge that this school is situated upon traditional territories. The territories include the Wendat (wen-dat), Anishinabek (ah-nish-nah-bek) Nation, the Haudenosaunee (ho-den-oh-sho-nee) Confederacy, the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nations, and the Métis (may-tee) Nation.


Tags: Annex · Life

NEWS (OCTOBER 2016); Ardent for arbour

October 28th, 2016 · Comments Off on NEWS (OCTOBER 2016); Ardent for arbour

Forestry activists call on province for support

PICTURE COURTESY ©ERIN?MACDONALD/LEAF: Volunteers tend to LEAF’s Urban Forest Demonstration Garden at the Markham Road entrance of Bathurst subway station.

PICTURE COURTESY ©ERIN MACDONALD/LEAF: Volunteers tend to LEAF’s Urban Forest Demonstration Garden at the Markham Road entrance of Bathurst subway station.

By Clarrie Feinstein


Tags: Annex · News

NEWS (AUGUST 2016): U of T committee tasked with responding to Truth and Reconciliation Commission delivers interim report

August 26th, 2016 · Comments Off on NEWS (AUGUST 2016): U of T committee tasked with responding to Truth and Reconciliation Commission delivers interim report

PHOTO BY BRIAN BURCHELL/GLEANER NEWS: The manager of cultural programming at the Native Canadian Centre of Toronto, Michael Etherington (above), suggests that introducing Indigenous teaching techniques to U of T could prompt “a complete paradigm shift” in which educators “take a step back and rethink our entire education system from the foundation upwards”.

PHOTO BY BRIAN BURCHELL/GLEANER NEWS: The manager of cultural programming at the Native Canadian Centre of Toronto, Michael Etherington (above), suggests that introducing Indigenous teaching techniques to U of T could prompt “a complete paradigm shift” in which educators “take a step back and rethink our entire education system from the foundation upwards”.


Tags: Annex · News