
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

FORUM: A primer on changes to the capital tax (June 2024)

July 19th, 2024 · Comments Off on FORUM: A primer on changes to the capital tax (June 2024)

Finance Minister interprets tax changes made in recent budget

By Chrystia Freeland

If we were creating our tax system from scratch, what choices would we make as Canadians? Would we give the greatest tax advantages to those who make the most money? Or would we insist on each of us paying our fair share to keep Canada strong?


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FORUM: A fall economic statement from the Minister of Finance (Dec. 2022)

December 13th, 2022 · Comments Off on FORUM: A fall economic statement from the Minister of Finance (Dec. 2022)

So far this year, our economic growth has been the strongest in the G7

By Chrystia Freeland

I know that it has felt like one thing after another since COVID first reached our shores. We turned the economy off, and then we turned it back on again. Vladimir Putin illegally invaded Ukraine. And now we are all dealing with the impacts of global inflation at the checkout counter and the gas pump.


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FORUM: A budget for a booming economy (May 2022)

May 17th, 2022 · Comments Off on FORUM: A budget for a booming economy (May 2022)

Inflation, housing and a green transition are all key elements

By Chrystia Freeland

On that Thursday in March, just over two years ago—when our travel plans were hastily cancelled, when our children came home from school, and when we rushed to the grocery store to buy toilet paper and hand sanitizer—we knew then that this virus would disrupt our lives.


Tags: Annex · Editorial · Opinion

CHATTER: Pax prays for peace (Winter 2022)

March 14th, 2022 · Comments Off on CHATTER: Pax prays for peace (Winter 2022)

An estimated twenty protesters from Pax Christi Toronto gathered in front of Minister Chrystia Freeland’s office, at Bloor Street and Spadina Road, on March 2. The international Catholic organization chose Ash Wednesday to pray and fast for peace in Ukraine. “We would like Canada to sign the UN treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons,” said Mary-Ellen Francoeur.” A whole new architecture for common security needs to be developed, where every country, including Russia, feels secure.” Pax Christi stands for lasting peace through dialogue, diplomacy, negotiation and treaties. NICOLE STOFFMAN/GLEANER NEWS


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NEWS: Freeland wins despite lower turnout (Fall 2021)

November 11th, 2021 · Comments Off on NEWS: Freeland wins despite lower turnout (Fall 2021)

Order of results in Uni-Rosedale largely unchanged this round

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland was re-elected for the third time in University-Rosedale on September 21. Her message that the Liberals could be relied upon to finish the fight against the pandemic and bring in $10-a-day child care earned her 47.5 per cent of votes in the riding, despite fewer polls and lowered voter turnout. COURTESY CHRYSTIA FREELAND

By Nicole Stoffman


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FEDERAL ELECTION 2021: Candidates queried (Aug. 2021)

September 8th, 2021 · Comments Off on FEDERAL ELECTION 2021: Candidates queried (Aug. 2021)

Gleaner asks University-Rosedale hopefuls five key questions

Questions are compiled by the Gleaner editorial board and edited for length and clarity. Election date is September 20, 2021. For more information on voting, please visit


Tags: News · General · Opinion

NEWS: Freeland re-elected (Nov. 2019)

December 9th, 2019 · Comments Off on NEWS: Freeland re-elected (Nov. 2019)

Minister of Foreign Affairs handily wins riding

By Khyrsten Mieras

Chrystia Freeland will continue her work representing University-Rosedale as a member of parliament following the federal election on Oct. 21.


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NEWS: Candidates face-off (Oct. 2019)

October 17th, 2019 · Comments Off on NEWS: Candidates face-off (Oct. 2019)

Conservative candidate absent for climate-dominated debate

Candidates who were present expressed consensus on the need to address climate change but disagreed how it should be tackled. Ahmed Hagar/Gleaner News

By Ahmed Hagar


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FORUM: Defending the free press to preserve democracy (Sept. 2019)

October 8th, 2019 · Comments Off on FORUM: Defending the free press to preserve democracy (Sept. 2019)

Concrete measure protects truth, complexity, and journalists

By Chrystia Freeland

This autumn we will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Those of us who lived through that time, as I did, remember it as a euphoric moment. It was hard to imagine that liberal democracy was anything less than both inevitable and eternal. 


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FORUM (AUGUST 2017): Modernizing an extraordinary agreement

September 13th, 2017 · Comments Off on FORUM (AUGUST 2017): Modernizing an extraordinary agreement

Prepare for excitement and drama during trade talks

By Chrystia Freeland

As we undertake our discussions with the United States and Mexico on the renegotiation of NAFTA, we are seeking your views. Are there areas of the agreement that could be clarified? Are there parts that should be updated? Are there any new sections that should be part of a modernized agreement? Please visit to participate in the public consultation process.


Tags: Annex · Opinion

EDITORIAL (NOVEMBER 2016): Freeland got it done, with flair

November 18th, 2016 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL (NOVEMBER 2016): Freeland got it done, with flair

Getting the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) ratified is a big win for Canada, and an equally big win for Chrystia Freeland, not just our Member of Parliament but also our nation’s Minister of International Trade.


Tags: Annex · Editorial

NEWS (SEPTEMBER 2016): Trains in the night

September 15th, 2016 · Comments Off on NEWS (SEPTEMBER 2016): Trains in the night

Potential disaster averted

By Brian Burchell

Two Canadian Pacific freight trains collided on August 21 sending two locomotives and several rail cars off the tracks just north of Dupont Street near Howland Avenue. The trains were going in opposite directions and one clipped the tail end of the other as it failed to execute a safe pass.


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FORUM (SEPTEMBER 2016): Inclusive prosperity

September 15th, 2016 · Comments Off on FORUM (SEPTEMBER 2016): Inclusive prosperity

Supporting an open society by embracing global trade and immigration

By Chrystia Freeland

When it comes to issues of trade, we are living in a complicated time. In many countries in the western industrialized world there is a tremendous popular backlash against international trade and immigration. We are not immune to these forces in Canada, but we do have a strong national cross-party consensus around what we call the open society: a diverse multicultural society that is open to immigration and plugged into the global economy.


Tags: Annex · Opinion