
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

ARTS (MAY 2017): Examining pre-Confederation treaties

May 26th, 2017 · Comments Off on ARTS (MAY 2017): Examining pre-Confederation treaties

PHOTO BY CLARRIE FEINSTEIN/GLEANER NEWS: A Hart House Map Room exhibition that runs until May 26 aims to educate Canadians on the role of treaties in Canadian history. Canada By Treaty: Negotiating Histories — curated by history professors Heidi Bohaker and Laurie Bertram, and senior undergraduate student James Bird — is a direct response to one of the calls to action put forward by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada in 2015.


Tags: Annex · Arts · History

NEIGHBOURHOOD PROFILE (FEBRUARY 2017): Still a neighbourhood staple

March 5th, 2017 · Comments Off on NEIGHBOURHOOD PROFILE (FEBRUARY 2017): Still a neighbourhood staple

Owner Katalin Koltai reveals enduring appeal of Country Style

PHOTO BY CLARRIE?FEINSTEIN/GLEANER NEWS: Katalin Koltai poses in Country Style, which reopened late last year after undergoing a two-month renovation.


By Clarrie Feinstein


Tags: Annex · News · Life

HISTORY (OCTOBER 2016): Yiddish sign evokes rich history

October 28th, 2016 · Comments Off on HISTORY (OCTOBER 2016): Yiddish sign evokes rich history

College Street organization hosts Mandel’s Dreamery installation

PICTURE COURTESY OF ONTARIO JEWISH ARCHIVES: For Fentster curator Evelyn Tauben, pictures of families standing in front of their storefronts evoke the sense of accomplishment early immigrants felt for building not just a business, but a new life.

PICTURE COURTESY OF ONTARIO JEWISH ARCHIVES: For Fentster curator Evelyn Tauben, pictures of families standing in front of their storefronts evoke the sense of accomplishment early immigrants felt for building not just a business, but a new life.

By Clarrie Feinstein


Tags: Annex · History