
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

NEWS (AUGUST 2016): Tall tower before OMB, as city battles back with block study

August 26th, 2016 · Comments Off on NEWS (AUGUST 2016): Tall tower before OMB, as city battles back with block study

PHOTO BY BRIAN?BURCHELL/GLEANER NEWS FILE PHOTO: City of Toronto senior planner Barry Brooks said that one aim of the Bloor Corridor/Annex Block Study is to “protect the significant view of the historical building (above) at 1 Spadina Cres. We are trying not to distract from the spire of that building.”

PHOTO BY BRIAN BURCHELL/GLEANER NEWS FILE PHOTO: City of Toronto senior planner Barry Brooks said that one aim of the Bloor Corridor/Annex Block Study is to “protect the significant view of the historical building (above) at 1 Spadina Cres. We are trying not to distract from the spire of that building.”


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