
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

They only come out at night; the feral cats of the Annex

May 31st, 2011 · 3 Comments

By Beth Macdonell

The Annex Cat Rescue cautions that feral cats are never safe to pet. Beth Macdonell/Gleaner News

Look down one of the Annex’s many laneways and all may appear lifeless. But according to Janine Denney-Lightfoot, 47, a volunteer with the Annex Cat Rescue, living in and around our garages and sheds are hundreds of feral cats.


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No patio for Parts and Labour

March 11th, 2011 · 3 Comments

Parts and Labour's Roof-top garden in Oct. 2010. The establishment wants to put a patio in.

Parts and Labour's roof-top garden in Oct. 2010. The establishment wants to put a patio in. Photo courtesy of Parts and Labour

By Beth Macdonell

On March 9, The city’s Committee of Adjustment panel turned down a request by Parts and Labour (1566 Queen St. W.) to construct a roof-top patio.


Tags: Liberty · News

Tecumseth Street abattoir: newer residents smell disgust, long-timers accept the whiff

February 25th, 2011 · 15 Comments

By Beth Macdonell

Quality Meat Packers (2 Tecumseth St.) has no plans of closing. Beth Macdonell/ Gleaner News.

Although an abattoir on Tecumseth Street has been operating for almost a century, some residents remain perturbed by the smell of live pigs being brought into the area for slaughter. Initially run by the city, Toronto Abattoirs Limited and Quality Meat Packers Limited, irk John Sleeman, 65, a retired resident who lives  on Wellington Street between Tecumseth and Bathurst.


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Death and rebirth of the Matador

December 29th, 2010 · 3 Comments

Despite the many offers he has received, Paul McCaughey will be keeping the Matador’s iconic sign at his new community living space. Plans for the building include a live music venue, a restaurant, a fitness centre, and perhaps a Russian steam room. Beth Macdonell/Gleaner News.

Exclusive to the Gleaner
By Beth Macdonell


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Great Voices at Festival at the Fort

August 16th, 2010 · Comments Off on Great Voices at Festival at the Fort

Written By Rick Salutin

August 10 to 22 at Fort York, 100 Garrison Rd.

By Beth Macdonell

On now through Aug. 22, Festival at the Fort presents Great Voices, a play that tells the story of the Battle of York during the war of 1812 between America and British Canada.


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Becoming anti-Social?: Queen West hot spot operating without a license

May 29th, 2010 · Comments Off on Becoming anti-Social?: Queen West hot spot operating without a license

Neighbourhood residents have complained about The Social's crowded sidewalks. Beth Macdonell/Gleaner News

By Beth Macdonell

In what seems to be a response to the city issuing an increased number of fines last year, Richard Lambert, co-owner of The Social (1100 Queen St. W.), is asking the city to rezone the address to allow it to operate as a nightclub.


Tags: General

Trash talking: Kensington businesses scratching their heads after city reduces garbage collection

February 19th, 2010 · Comments Off on Trash talking: Kensington businesses scratching their heads after city reduces garbage collection

By Beth Macdonell

In the early 1990s, residents and merchants of Kensington Market successfully organized to increase garbage pickup days from two to three days a week.


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