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Residents divided over planning study for bar-resto concentration in Parkdale

July 26th, 2011 · 1 Comment

By Rebecca Payne

The stretch of Queen Street between Dufferin and Roncesvalles will be under the city’s microscope as a restaurant concentration study begins, a move that may prove to be divisive for the neighbourhood, if a recent community meeting is any indication of things to come.


Tags: Liberty · Food

The patsies of Parkdale? Bar owners say they shoulder blame for entire neighbourhood

March 31st, 2011 · 5 Comments

Skadarlija owner Sam Sri says he feels like the fall-guy for the neighbourhood. Photo Rebecca Payne/Gleaner News

By Rebecca Payne


The closure of Captain Jack’s and denial of a rooming house application for the Parkdale “problem spot” does not mean that some area business owners are satisfied.


Tags: Liberty · News · People