
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

ON THE COVER: (August 2019)

September 2nd, 2019 · Comments Off on ON THE COVER: (August 2019)

A Different Booklist, located at 779 Bathurst St., has long been a repository of local history and recently initiated a unique time capsule project burying some of the culture of the present beneath the re-development of the Honest Ed’s site by Westbank Corp. at Bathurst and Bloor. For more on the project, please see click here. JUAN ROMERO/GLEANER?NEWS


Tags: Annex · News

NEWS: CTS art programs cut (August 2019)

September 2nd, 2019 · Comments Off on NEWS: CTS art programs cut (August 2019)

Classes cut in wake of funding changes

Examples of student work from the soon-to-be cancelled art sculpture program at CTS. JUAN ROMERO/GLEANER?NEWS

By Juan Romero

The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) has approved a budget reduction plan for the 2019-20 school year. The budget reduction comes as a result of the provincial government’s education cuts across Ontario in the past year. 


Tags: Annex · News

NEWS: Robarts lets in the light (August 2019)

September 2nd, 2019 · Comments Off on NEWS: Robarts lets in the light (August 2019)

Expansion to add study space to face of library

Architects’ rendering of an expanded Robarts Library at U of T. Perspective is of the face along Huron Street. The addition will primarily feature increased study space. COURTESY DIAMOND SCHMITT ARCHITECTS

By Ingrid Philipp


Tags: Annex · News

CHATTER: A deeper history buried in Mirvish Village (August 2019)

September 2nd, 2019 · 1 Comment


The prospect of a little time-travelling attracted a large gathering of residents to A Different Booklist on May 29. There was a definitely palpable sense of intrigue and excitement at the event as messages had been prepared to send to the future. 


Tags: Annex · News

EDITORIAL CARTOON: How nice (August 2019)

September 2nd, 2019 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL CARTOON: How nice (August 2019)



Tags: Annex · Opinion

EDITORIAL: Let cabinet do its job (August 2019)

September 2nd, 2019 · Comments Off on EDITORIAL: Let cabinet do its job (August 2019)

After a five-month break from public scrutiny, enabled by not having a sitting legislature, the provincial government of Premier Doug Ford should emerge from the rock it has been hiding under.  A new modus operandi is needed, one that respects cabinet and treats ministers as more than mere Premier’s pawns. 


Tags: Annex · Editorial

GREENINGS: Sing the same tune, PLEASE (August 2019)

September 2nd, 2019 · Comments Off on GREENINGS: Sing the same tune, PLEASE (August 2019)

No unity of purpose from arms of the city

By Terri Chu


Tags: Annex · Life

GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: Park it here (August 2019)

September 2nd, 2019 · Comments Off on GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: Park it here (August 2019)

The best and the worst of our greenspaces

In this final instalment of this year’s Gleaner’s park evaluation once again Christie Pits score an A+ for its design, maintenance, and the sheer volume of activities and facilities there. Paul Martel Mark on Madison Avenue just north of Bloor can fall no further on our scale. It got an F because of the City’s utter neglect of the site.


Tags: Annex · Life