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August 26th, 2016 · Comments Off on ON THE COVER (AUGUST 2016): DUPONT DERAILMENT

PHOTO COURTESY ARLYN MCADOREY: A Canadian Pacific Railway locomotive derailed near Howland Avenue and Dupont Street on Aug. 21 after two of its freight trains collided, the cause of which remains unknown. Posting on Twitter shortly after the derailment, Transport Canada said that its rail and dangerous goods specialists were on site, and that a minister’s observer had examined the scene. The Transportation Safety Board of Canada has also announced that the derailment is under investigation. The Gleaner will follow up in the September edition.

PHOTO COURTESY ARLYN MCADOREY: A Canadian Pacific Railway locomotive derailed near Howland Avenue and Dupont Street on Aug. 21 after two of its freight trains collided, the cause of which remains unknown. Posting on Twitter shortly after the derailment, Transport Canada said that its rail and dangerous goods specialists were on site, and that a minister’s observer had examined the scene. The Transportation Safety Board of Canada has also announced that the derailment is under investigation. The Gleaner will follow up in the September edition.


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