Entries from September 2015
September 16th, 2015 · Comments Off on
Tags: General
CAMH rent may skyrocket
September 16th, 2015 · Comments Off on CAMH rent may skyrocket
College and Russell streets facilities at risk

Brookfield, which is developing condominiums at the southeast corner of Spadina Avenue and College Street, says its property across the street, leased to CAMH, should be valued on highest and best use. Doing so would increase the hospital’s rent by as much as 333 per cent.
Brian Burchell, Gleaner News
A haven for children’s literature
September 16th, 2015 · Comments Off on A haven for children’s literature
Lillian H. Smith library branch celebrates 20 years
By Annemarie Brissenden
Can you remember the first book you ever read?
Improving accessibility at Dupont Station
September 16th, 2015 · Comments Off on Improving accessibility at Dupont Station
Dupont Station will soon be fully accessible to all riders, regardless of mobility. It’s currently undergoing an upgrade under the Toronto Transit Commission’s (TTC) Easier Access Program, which aims to increase the accessibility of subway stations across the city. The station improvements – slated for completion in 2019 – include adding three elevators that will access all levels of the station, accessible fare gates, barrier-free paths to the subway platforms, improved signage, and the installation of CCTV security cameras.
Spadina Station is a construction junction
September 16th, 2015 · Comments Off on Spadina Station is a construction junction
Construction, lane reductions, and bus diversions are here to stay at Spadina Road and Bloor Street, at least until December, and quite possibly well beyond.
Work is underway to excavate the northbound side of Spadina Road near Spadina Station to make necessary repairs to the roof of the subway below. The entire bus loop roadway is also being removed to expose the subway roof.
Tags: General
A multicultural fall fair at St. Peter’s
September 16th, 2015 · Comments Off on A multicultural fall fair at St. Peter’s
Hidden treasures, baked goods, food, crafts, books, CDs, and more all return to the fall fair this Oct. 3 (11 a.m. to 7 p.m.) and 4 (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) at St. Peter’s Church (659 Markham St.).
September 16th, 2015 · Comments Off on

Erica Balon’s mural, featured on the front page of July’s Annex Gleaner, has been tagged as much as five times in recent weeks. Much of her work, including this one at Aroma Café (500 Bloor St. W.), covers tags and other gang-related symbols. The repeated tagging begs the question of whether or not street art – traditionally seen as inviolate to taggers – remains something that vandals will respect. Brian Burchell, Gleaner News
Tags: General
Unveiling literary history
September 16th, 2015 · Comments Off on Unveiling literary history
Heritage Toronto plaque honours poets MacEwen and Acorn

Pam McConnell (Ward 28, Toronto Centre-Rosedale), Christopher Hayes of Scotiabank, poet laureate George Elliott Clarke, and Heritage Toronto board member Kate Marshall unveil a plaque on Ward’s Island commemorating poets Gwendolyn MacEwen and Milton Acorn.
By Annemarie Brissenden
It’s a hospital, not a strip mall
September 16th, 2015 · Comments Off on It’s a hospital, not a strip mall
Just as the stigma surrounding mental illness has started to dissipate, the College Street location of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is facing a crisis of its own.
Tags: Annex · Liberty · News · Editorial
Bike lanes a “top priority”
September 16th, 2015 · Comments Off on Bike lanes a “top priority”
RE: Bloor “foremost a public space”?(July)
Thank you for your editorial “It’s really a village not a freeway” in the July edition of The Annex Gleaner. I can’t agree more!
The case for bike lanes on Bloor is strong: the route is flat and unencumbered by streetcar tracks, and many people continue to cycle along it, despite the absence of cycling safety measures.
Keep pushing bike safety
September 16th, 2015 · Comments Off on Keep pushing bike safety
RE: Bloor “foremost a public space” (July)
As someone who’s been pushing improvement in Bloor bike safety for at least a decade now, I’m glad that the Gleaner has kept up its coverage. And while I am in total agreement that improvements to bike safety are quite overdue in the Annex, I’m less certain that the proposed trials of bike lanes are in the right place or with the right timing.
Where do your LPC, NDP, and GPC candidates stand?
September 16th, 2015 · 1 Comment
Only Green Party offers solution to emerging global crisis
September 16th, 2015 · Comments Off on Only Green Party offers solution to emerging global crisis
Transition to green economy, stand up for civil liberties, and be fiscally responsible
By Nick Wright
I am running for the Green Party in the upcoming Oct. 19 federal election for University-Rosedale because it is the only party with a plan to solve the emerging global environmental and economic crisis and transition to a sustainable and prosperous way of life while standing up for civil liberties and fiscal responsibility.