
Serving Toronto's most liveable community with the Annex Gleaner

Grading our greenspace (Feb. 2024)

April 6th, 2024 · Comments Off on Grading our greenspace (Feb. 2024)

A plethora of parks in the Annex get judged

Compiled by Mia Keskinen

Each year the Annex Gleaner reviews the abundance of parks in our coverage area using a variety of criteria. 

While there is no decisive “winner” of the grading, letter grades are assigned to convey the quality of the parks considering aspects such as upkeep, design, and amenities. 


Tags: General


November 11th, 2021 · Comments Off on GRADING OUR GREENSPACE (Fall 2021)

Albeit small and with no playground infrastructure Gwendolyn MacEwan park is a great spot to stop and have a rest.

As part of the Gleaner’s annual area park reviews, here is Part Two. We grade each park and compare the score with the prior year. We look for amenities, trees, gardens, and cleanliness. We also tell you something you may not know about how the space got its name. 


Tags: Annex · Life

GRADING OUR GREENSPACE: Grading the green (August 2020)

September 9th, 2020 · 1 Comment

Park it here

In this year’s installment of evaluating park spaces within the Gleaner’s catchment area, our observers noted the impressive revival of Queen’s Park North showing what a great city can do when it focuses its imagination and resources. The neglected Euclid Avenue Park, near Koreatown, shows what happens when these resources are withheld. Compiled by Mary An, Tanya Ielyseieva, and Nicole Stoffman.


Tags: Annex · Life