Expansion to add study space to face of library

By Ingrid Philipp
By Ingrid Philipp
By Clarrie Feinstein
The Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre (JCC) has resubmitted an application to erect a third party electronic advertising sign on the roof of its building at the southwest corner of Spadina Avenue and Bloor Street.
PHOTO CREDIT BY BRIAN BURCHELL/GLEANER NEWS: Planned by the OMB: College Street is rife with developments denied by the city, only to have been approved on appeal by the provincial agency.
By Annemarie Brissenden
By Annemarie Brissenden
A 25-storey, 334-unit apartment building is providing the model for a new mixed-student residence at the northwest corner of Spadina and Sussex avenues, but not in the way local residents’ associations would like.
By Joe Cressy
Downtown communities like ours face unique challenges and countless opportunities. Almost every day, in conversations at our local coffee shops, in public meetings, and as we connect with our neighbours, we look for ways to work together to build our communities. We look for opportunities to enhance our parks, support our neighbours, and to create new public spaces.